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Jack coke recipe

by 취하는 이야기 2021. 6. 24.
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Hello, I'm Holden! Today, we will introduce a cocktail using a drink that is called a symbol of capitalism. Exactly Coke! McDonald's even developed a Big Mac index to compare the price of a country and the value of its currency, so it's a symbol of capitalism. Coke is included in the Hepburger set menu, right? Coke has so many uses! It's Jackcock!


Making memories with friends


1. Story

Drinking liquor was a big topic when I was in college. I remember getting a precious bottle and drinking it with a group of friends, one sip at a time. The faces of my friends at that time are sad, but there are more faces that I can't see now. As time goes on, more often than not, I have money but no time. It reminds me of this cocktail the more I do it. Jack Daniel's is a relatively inexpensive whiskey, because it's a simple drink that can only be mixed with Coke!


2. Information

■ Glass: Highball Glass

■ Recipe: Build

■ Garnish: Sliced ​​Lime

■ material

- Jack Daniel's 2oz

- Cola


3. How to make

1. Cool the highball glass with ice. 

2. Add Jack Daniel's 2oz. 

3. Fill the cup up to 80% Coke. 

4, Stir gently with a bar spoon to mix the drink well.


4. Taste

cocktail ingredients

Sweetness: ★★★★☆

Alcohol: ★★★☆☆

Body: ★★☆☆☆

Unique: ★★★★☆


 This is a cocktail that anyone can make easily and simply. If it's a high-end whiskey, you can drink it straight, but if it's Jack Daniel's, it's best to drink it with plenty of cola. If you drink it at home, it comes out to about 15 cups, so it seems that there is not enough for two people to drink.


Mixing whiskey with Coke may seem repulsive at first. However, even those who are not good at alcohol can find themselves intoxicated by the familiar taste of Coke.

Another popular cocktail that includes whiskey is the Rust Nail. If you want a stronger drink, please refer to this post.



[Whisky cocktail] Rusty Nail cocktail recipe

Rusty Nail cocktail recipe Prologue  Hello, this is Holden! Which whiskey do you like? The whiskey in our heads is often Ballantines and Johnnie Walker, and if expensive, the Royal Salute. Today,..



5. Tips

■ Similar to Cuba Libre, except that the whiskey from Jack Daniel's own brand must be used.


■ Stir 'slowly' with a bar spoon. If you stir quickly, all the carbonic acid will be broken and you will not be able to enjoy the unique taste of Jackcock. In the same vein, even if you eat it for too long, the steam will disappear.


■ Drinking a lot of Coke is a shortcut to gaining weight, and it is difficult to enjoy too much because it adversely affects teeth. It is especially important to brush your teeth before going to bed.

